Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What Is It?

What is It?

Once again on an early morning walk I stopped for a moment to take in not just the scenery but also the sounds of the new day beginning. Among all that I heard it was the falling of the dew that got my attention. I closed my eyes and could hear each droplet falling from the tree leaves that arched over me. I then started to look around me and realized that dew was present on just about everything I could see. I have seen dew in the mornings my whole life but for some reason today had more meaning to me. I started to ask myself the question, “What is dew and what is its purpose?” After some scientific research and some Biblical research it appears that I wasn't the only one wondering what dew is.

Exodus 16:12-15
12 That evening vast numbers of quail flew in and covered the camp. And the next morning the area around the camp was wet with dew. 14 When the dew evaporated, a flaky substance as fine as frost blanketed the ground. 15 The Israelites were puzzled when they saw it. “What is it?” they asked each other. They had no idea what it was.
And Moses told them, “It is the food the Lord has given you to eat.

God and His provisions never cease to amaze me, while we are in our slumber of restless nights fighting off the demons of tomorrow that we hope will disappear when we wake up, He is preparing the new day for us, His new day. The word manna is really translated from the Hebrew text as, What is it? What is it, I’ll tell you what it is it is His provision for your day.

The struggle is real but so is the dew. Maybe you are at a dew point in your life. Maybe you need a touch of His cool misty dew to fall upon you.  When you are at that point where your belly is growling for peace and answers, don't ignore the dew, it’s falling for a reason. Step outside and stop looking at what the world is presenting to you but look at the sweet fresh dew that surrounds the very ground that you are standing on. That’s Him! Slow down, for one moment look around you at what He has been doing while you are sleeping He has been preparing a new day for you.  I told my husband early on in our marriage that it is the little things that matter, like the sweet notes left by the coffee pot, a daisy picked from the ground or brining me home just one can of my, at the time favorite drink “Brisk Tea.” One day he stopped for a moment and did a small thing. He drove this really large work truck that was difficult to maneuver in and out of small places, let me tell you I would take out the town of Paintsville if I had to drive something like that. Anyway, he walks in the house one evening with a smile on his face holding on can of cold Brisk tea. Cold because he stopped at the little store with little parking just to pick it up for me. I almost didn't want to drink it because it was so special, not the tea, but what he did, the extra step he took just to do a little thing.
We are way to busy and way to consumed with the world and its plight to take us down and out sometimes to stop and enjoy or behold the “little things” that God so purposely does for us even while we are sleeping and even though we don't bother to notice.
When you leave you house in the morning look for the dew but this time don't pass it by take your hand and touch it. Let the cool wet misty feeling of His daily manna touch your life. He has this! He always has, He is God. He is a God fierce enough to control raging seas and a God sweet enough to lay a blanket of dew out for us each morning. Enjoy his manna for your life today.

Lamentations 3:22-23New King James Version (NKJV)
Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Changing Seasons

After I study I like to talk an early morning walk to digest what God has given me, however on this particular morning I had a different agenda and that was to give God advise on how to change my current season in life. I had it all figured out in my head. With each step that I took the plan that I had contemplated seemed more and more logical, but wait my experience tells me that God is not the God of logic or of conventional ways.

I decided to sit down on the ground for a minute and when I did I couldn't help but look up and when I did there it was. The road I was sitting on (it's a private road by the way) was beautifully shaded by the most tall strong trees. Their branches almost touched each other as the stretched across the road. That's when I saw it, one little branch had about 8 to 10 beautiful golden leaves on it, while the rest of the leaves were hearty summer green. Hmm, I said to myself that's pretty neat. The whole tree is living in summer but one little branch as begun to live in the fall season.

Well that did it, God showed up and used that very little branch to redirect my journey of thoughts and the previous advice that I had just given Him about the season of my life. We are all in a season and just maybe it's not our favorite season. I read lots of posts where people say, I can't wait for Fall, sweatshirts, fire pit nights, fuzzy socks and apple cider an while I too enjoy fall I have been hanging on to everyday of summer that I can because I know after beautiful fall comes a cold, possibly white winter.

So here I sit on this road looking at that one little branch and admiring it's foretaste of what's to come. That little branch gave me hope and a simple little message form HIM.

1. In my life I am encountering things that I don't like, things I devised a plan for God to take care of. In one instance I just recently waited for the last day of the last minute before moving forward just thinking, Ahh God is gonna show up and I won't have to do this, but HE didn't, which is why this little walk did me a world of good.

2. God, show up right now and do this because I can't take it anymore. Yeah, that statement isn't God's speed and that little branch showed me that I am trying to move from one season of my life to the other too quickly. You see, when we think we have it all figured out we are ready to jump to the next season but God has greater plans. He wants us to embrace every season He allows us to enter into because great lessons await us. It's just like saying to God, "God, I am tired of summer so change it to fall right now."

3. God has already stood where ever our season is leading us. Although, I have said, "But, I am so tired of this season." He reminded my with one little branch that He has a great magnificent  plan involved and it requires a specific time for all the leaves to turn and for fall to show or my new season of life.

4. As always He melts my heart with His loving responses and reminds me that I may not like the season in which I am in but it is necessary and also if I did not enter into these seasons how would I ever become to understand the great and mighty God He is. I'll admit I don't like going through unfavorable seasons but always when I look back at the undesirable seasons of my life it is when He was the most evident in my life and I love taking notes on just what He did and how He did it. It's these seasons, studying His word daily and His personal encounters that have allowed me at many times to help others going through a season I have already passed through.

5. The tough lesson is this as I am reminded of Joseph and his life and his many Pit filled seasons. It is with his amazing attitude during those times in his life that brought him out of the pit into the palace.

What ever season that you are in, embrace it, cling to His word, allow Him to use this season for His glory and most importantly change your attitude to one that exposes the God of your heart so that others may grow from your strength while you are traveling through your tough season. When you get a little weary look for a small but beautiful sign that the season your in is getting ready to change.

Habakkuk 2:1-3King James Version (KJV)

I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.
And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.