Have you ever lost something dear to you? Something of value? What are some of the emotions or actions that are brought about by loss? When I think about loss I think about contention, anger, jealousy, bitterness, conflict, etc. Which reminds me of a story in the Old Testament 1 Kings 3: 16 -27. The story of two women who each gave birth to sons. During the night one son died and the woman realizing it took the child to the other woman’s bed while she slept and took her child leaving her with the dead child. The next morning when the mother realized that the child that was with her was dead but was not her child they were brought before the king. Since both women were steadfast in their position both claiming that the living son was theirs, the king asked for a sword to be brought and ordered the child to be cut half giving each woman half the child. The real mother of the child, said no, let her have the child. It was her love, a love that was so strong that she was willing to give up her child so that he may live that proved to the king that she was indeed the mother. Can you imagine the other woman so cold and bitter that she was going to allow a child to be cut in half because she had lost her son?
When you come to a crossroad and you must make a choice, what do you consider? Do you think about how your decisions will affect others, yourself, or the future? What do you think that Jesus was considering when His journey was coming to an end? Actually, how many times do you think that Jesus ask for this cup to be delivered from Him? Matthew 26: 38-44 says that He asked His Father 3 times to be delivered from what he was facing but He said , (Luke 22:42)… nevertheless not my will but Your will be done.
Wow, Jesus our Savior, can you imagine how overwhelmed He was to seek His Father 3 times for the same prayer. My heart breaks when I think about Him there in the garden, just a stone throw away, from His disciples asking His father for possible deliverance.
Both God and this woman both were willing to give up the ultimate sacrifice, their son. The woman, so that he may live, God so that we may live. Love always equals sacrifice.
Has God ever asked you to give up something? Maybe he is asking you to give up something right now or maybe He is calling you to do something for Him. Every cross road that you come to in life, every sacrifice that you have to make, will either petrify you or purify you. When Jesus went to pray he was only a stone’s throw away from His disciples and no matter where you are He is always just, A Stone’s Throw Away from you.
When we take a deeper look into the lives of these two women here is what we find.
Both women were:
Sinners, Alone, Gave Birth, Had Sons, Steadfast in Their Positions
One was dishonest……..One was deserving
One was cold and cruel…..One was compassionate
One was rejected…………….One was rewarded
One was selfish……………….One was sincere
Which woman are you?